CAUTION: Coatings At Work

spray painting architectural steel from a boom
Most school mornings are hectic at best. Between the flurry of breakfast and packing lunches, finding the missing shoe, letting the dog out and making sure she comes back in, the daily grind is almost entirely consuming our attention. Have you ever while making your way to the school drop off or going into the office stopped to think about coatings in the built environment? Probably not. But they are everywhere and they are working.
When a coating has failed to do it’s job and neglect has set in, the effects could be catastrophic. An entry gate seized closed, the traffic direction arrows and parking spot lines at the school totally indiscernible. These are nuisances but ultimately pretty minor compared to a bridge collapse, or other major infrastructure disaster. Yet all of these could be examples of an issue with the maintenance of protective coatings. The ambition of our team at Brick City Painting is to highlight the ongoing care of infrastructure with protective coatings that can ultimately improve all of our lives by keeping us safe, saving us money, and beautifying the constructed world around us.