Pipeline inspection and protective coating application

Does your organization have a plan to review and renew the protective coatings that are part of the infrastructure? There is a danger of writing off coatings on the built environment as “just paint” and that omission could have costly side effects. At Brick City Painting we want to make the case that coating lifespan should be part of your budget planning process. Too often we observe critical infrastructure that is aging more quickly than it needs to, because the protective coatings have been ignored or were insufficient at the outset. Now could be the time to start, or at least emphasize, the maintenance of these surfaces, but part of that process should include inspection and budgetary planning.

How much is a reasonable percentage of the overall maintenance budget to attribute to protective coatings? How can you determine a reasonable life span for existing coatings? What portion is best maintained by regular facilities staff versus outsourcing to coating professionals?

Did you know that we offer a complete service to answer those questions?